Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Move!

Ciao to our friends and family in California!

The day we left the Marina was beautiful, one of the best days of the year so far. We were packed and ready to go. I had to finish packing Sisi’s bag that day, since I had done one last load of laundry before the trip. My parents came down to give us a ride to the airport. We had five, big, red, bags of luggage, Sisi’s playyard/crib, and the stroller + carseat, we also had our 2 carry-ons and my extra backpack. We unloaded at the curb and said “See you in Italy!…” to my parents. Gimmy had to make a couple of trips to the Swiss airlines check in while I waited by our bags inside. While we waited for our luggage to get checked we found out that 4 out of the 5 were over weight! Thus, bought another big red bag, we opened up all four over weight bags to take out some clothes of each and put them into the new one. That was fun. It was way too crazy of a time that I did not get any pictures of that (too bad), I think Gimmy would have killed me…or would have left me at LAX. Just imagine all our luggage on the floor, opened up, taking out things and reorganizing right there in front of the check in, mean while Sisi waking up and crying. Good thing we planned to be there early!

We eventually checked in and had plenty of time before the flight. Sisi was very awake and observant. She new something was up but didn’t know what. She was looking around whenever the voice on the speakers came on. We boarded the plane first, and also found out that the bulk head we requested and double checked twice was not reserved for us. Another bummer, since our carseat did not fit where we ended up. We had to put it in the overhead compartment, at this point we both thought, “so much for our plan.” Of course it worked out fine. Sisi was able to lay down in the seat, that we got for her, in between Gimmy and me.

She was so tired that she fell asleep during take off and slept most of the whole flight. She woke up only once in he middle of the flight, when another baby was crying, she was awake for about an hour and went back to bed. I had a hard time sleeping but managed to get a few hours in. Gimmy slept also, luckily for him, he falls asleep fast and can sleep anywhere.

We changed flights in Zurich, and this plane was late to leave. Sisi was still so tired while we were waiting for the next plane she fell asleep in my arms with her head on my shoulder.

Finally arrived in Rome, we then had to find help to get all 7 of our bags and also to find a car that could fit all them and us. Literally, the mini van was the only way to go! Our journey was not over, we had to drive about five and a half hours to get to the south of Italy where Gimmy’s family lives. Sisi was pretty good, she again slept most of the way, until the last 20 minutes, when I think she had enough of traveling, and cried.

We got to Gimmy’s moms house in Catanzaro, I rescued Sisi and introduced her to her Nonna Sara. Sara was very happy to see Sisi and wanted to play with her even when it was 3 o’clock in the morning!
Sisi with her Nonna Sara.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Wow! What an eventful trip you've had so far! I'm glad you arrived safely and are adjusting to life. Your new picture at the top of the blog looks like you are standing in front of a fake backdrop-- it's so beautiful! Have the time of your lives! We love you.