Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Christmas, New Years, and going back home...

Buon Natale!
Merry Christmas!
Daniela and Sisi

Mario and Sisi

"Tu Scendi Delle Stelle!"
Visit You Tube for this video!!

The day after Christmas and playing with her favorite toy!

At Teresa's House
A Day for a Walk in Ruins

The Museum near the ruins

Bath Time

The Wednesday Market below Gimmy's mom's house
Panetone, Pandoro, it must be Christmas. These are Italain sweet cakes that are only for sale during the holidays. They are so so so yummy!

Silly Face!

Crazy old bridge Gimmy risked his life on...

Daniela's House
Sisi, Roberta and Gaia

Mario showing his Uncle Gimmy and my mom one of his new toys
Pizzo Centro and Gelato!
Gimmy's mom Sara enjoying the famous Pizzo gelato

Belvedere, Sphere, Tartufo, oh my!!


At the house in Pizzo...

Weed gathering...

Tangerine picking...
Christmas lights of Pizzo

We went to Tropea to see Gimmy's cousin, who just so happends to own a resturant on the harbor of Tropea. We were lucky to be included in there lunch!

Happy New Year!
Videos on You Tube of this fun night!
Durning the drive back to the north we were surrounded by beautiful rainbows!

Greek and Roman ruins. The Greek temples were very impresive!

Reggia di Caserta
This place was huge! HUGE! I can totally imagine the women with their long beautiful dressed and big fancy wig hair walking this park and inside the Reggia.