Friday, February 26, 2010


Viareggio Carnevale!
Carnevale! Is like Marti Gras, its basically a big party before the fast. That is, the 40 days and 40 nights when Jesus was walking the the desert with no food or water... So the Catholics give something up for the same 40 days and 40 nights, but before that fast they have a party. Then when its over it is Easter. That is what I understood anyway from how it works, but it is fun for the kids ( and parents) to dress up for Carnevale and celebrate.

A devil with wings???

Crazy people...
I still am not sure what she was supposed to be.

Dragon Float

More floats
Sisi playing with a bear?

Sisi looking at the next scary float...

the giant womans head with a moving mask!
Baby Berlusconi

This is a float of America getting taken over by China with a Super Obama flying above to the rescue
By the sea, me and Sisi

Another funny float

Photos for my Mom...
this is a machine that is making these little sweet chips on the spot. Cute.
Marzipan in the shape of fruits. Cute.
Fair food...candy, sweets and treats. Cute.

Carnevale in the Center
There was no real organized event but many parents dressed their kids on the weekends (only during Carnevale) and walk around the center and mostly near the carosel, since the kids like to go for a ride.
Sisi waiting for a ride.
Sisi and Babbo

La Giostra

A man dressed up as the duomo. Funny!
Me and Sisi on the carosel.

Playing with Babbo and the pretty colored papers.

Sisi playing with a princess and a bee.
If you didnt already guess, she was a little pink bunny!

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