Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I took Sisi to the American Church, where she goes to day care, so she would participate in the Easter activities. She was a bit too young but she had fun watching and playing with the other kids. She was too affraid to get her face (or even her hand) painted. We will try again next year!

Driving to the South of Italy.

Taking a stop at a turn out near the coast.

Sisi playing at the Pizzo house.


Bow bow and kitty kitty at Venturino's house


The bridges of Catanzaro

Camania Beach

Sisi and Mario playing Legos on Easter Day

The table

Nonna Sara opening a chocolate egg

Daniela and her chocolate egg!

Gimmy and his chocolate egg!

Me and my chocolate egg! It was bigger than my head.


Lots and lots of chocolate eggs

Sisi's chocolate eggs, yep eggs... plural.

Sisi eating the chocolate egg

Mario and Zio Gimmy

Mario and Sisi

The day after is another holiday called the Pasquetta. We went to the Pizzo house to b-b-q and have a big lunch, and drink wine, and eat sweets. FUN!

Maria Teresa

Nonna Sara cookin up a fritata!

The Italians

The kids

Fabrizio with a chili pepper necklace

Sisi and Gaia!

Thanks Gaia for the chocolate eggg!

The Table. At first it was cold and cloudy so we put the table near the house for shelter and and much in the sun as possible... not long after the sun really came out we had to move the table under the trees for shade!
Here is where we moved the table.

Vincenzo, the master b-b-q-er
The SWEETS, there were 6 different types of sweets! I tried them all.
Mario and his nonno, Vincenzo's dad, playing football.

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