Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rome, Sanna and Will!

We took a stop in Rome while we were on on way to the south of Italy for Easter and while we were there we met with Sanna (my old boss/friend) and her husband Will ( old sailing partner/friend) and Will's parents for a dinner.
This photo is on the top of the building and it is our terrazza!

Our terrazza.

In this photo is another view of the terrazza and the little box looking structure with a white door is our apartment! It was very cute, small, but so cool.

Walking around Rome!

Gimmy enjoying a a gelato in front of some ruins.

Gimmy and Sisi, in front of our apartment building, ours is the tippy top floor.

At dinner with Will and his mom,
Sanna and Wills dad. We had not seen Will and Sanna for almost 2 years and it was funny to meet up in Rome for a "reunion" and a yummy meal.

It was a good night in Rome!

1 comment:

Susan P. said...

So glad to see gelato plays a part in your travels! I still dream about those tartuffos!